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Adsense med norske kroner


Mr. 66
Jeg fikk denne mailen i dag.


Local currency reports are now available for publishers located in Norway, and so
we'd like to provide you with more information and instructions for updating your
account. Please note that updating your account to show reports in Norwegian Kroner
is currently optional, but will be required in the future. If you've recently made
this change, please feel free to disregard this email.

After you make this change, all your earnings will be reported in Norwegian Kroner.
If you generate earnings from an advertiser who is paying in a currency other than
Norwegian Kroner, we'll convert those earnings from the advertiser's currency to
Norwegian Kroner on a daily basis, using the prevailing market rate from the
previous day. Please note that the payment methods available to you will remain the
same. For example, you’ll still have the option to receive payments in U.S. Dollars
by cheque.

To switch to reports in Norwegian Kroner, you'll need to agree to an updated version
of the Terms and Conditions. Here are the main changes included:

* The party that publishers are contracting with changes from Google Inc. to
Google Ireland Limited.
* Publishers are responsible for paying any local taxes in their jurisdiction.
Google will only issue VAT refunds to publishers with an address in Ireland.
* The governing law changes from California law to either English or local law.

You'll be asked to review the full Terms and Conditions before updating your
account. Unfortunately, we're not able to interpret the meaning of changes in our
legal documents for publishers -- if you have questions or need legal advice on
interpreting the new Terms, please don't hesitate to contact your attorney.

Before agreeing to the new Terms and switching to local currency reporting, we
recommend that you download and save copies of your past reports in U.S. Dollars by
following these instructions:
. Once you update your account, you'll be able to view current and historical
reports only in Norwegian Kroner. However, you'll still be able to view your prior
payment history of U.S. Dollar earnings.

To update to local currency reports now, sign in to your account and look for the
green prompt, "Your daily earnings reports are now available in Norwegian Kroner
amounts" on your Reports Overview page. After clicking on the link, you'll be
presented with the new Terms and Conditions. We encourage you to update your account
to local currency reports now, as you'll soon begin seeing a notification asking you
to make this change when you log in.

For more information on local currency reports, visit our Help Center at
or our blog post at
Inside AdSense: Local currency reports for nine more countries

Yours sincerely,

The Google AdSense Team

Email preferences: You have received this mandatory email service announcement to
update you about important changes to your AdSense product or account.

Google Ireland Ltd. Gordon House,
Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland
Registered in Dublin, Ireland
Registration Number: 368047

Tror dere at det vil lønne seg med NOK vs $ i lengden?

Tonny Kluften

Fikk en forespørsel om å betateste adsense med norske kroner for noen mnd. siden. Jeg gjorde ikke det, men det ble tydeligvis vellykket. Men til spørsmålet ditt. Du vil ikke merke noen forskjell i inntektene, annonsørene betaler det samme.

EDIT: fikk denne jeg også nå.
Hehe, Google fornekter seg ikke, her forteller de om at TOS er forandret, men: "Dessverre kan vi
ikke forklare utgivere hva endringer i våre juridiske dokumenter har å si for dem."
Sist redigert:


Så vidt jeg forstår må vi uansett forandre til norsk språk om kort tid, kanskje like godt å gjøre det med en gang.

Mulig mer motiverende å se det i norske kroner også?


Gjerrigknarken sjøl
Medlem av ledelsen
Har endret dette for noen uker siden. Funker helt greit det, man må bare bli vant til et høyere tall ;-)