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Hvordan gå frem for å be om at andre skal linke til deg?


He he he. Jeg spurte noen for en stund tilbake om linkbytte. Svaret jeg fikk tilbake var at de ikke ønsket linker til seg. Mulig de skulle vurdere det til neste år! Jeg sjekket de opp og riktignok hadde de under 10 linker til sitt domene. Humor!

Geir E.

Kom over denne, The Perfect Link Request

Subject: <Name>, We’ve got a <Category> resource we think your readers might like…

Hi <Insert Name>,

My name is <Real Name> and I’m getting in touch with you regarding your <Insert Category> site/blog <Insert Blog/Site Name>. I’m currently working with <Insert Client Site Name> to announce their new resource <Insert Article/Linkbait Name>, and thought this might be of interest to you and your readers, as it provides an easy and intuitive way to <Insert Benefit Here>. You can review the article at <Insert URL>. If you find the resource to be of value to you and your readers, I’d appreciate it if you could add it to your <links page url> or announce it to your readers at your own discretion. Alternatively, you can utilize the customized badge or link code provided below:

<Insert Badge or Anchor Text Optimized HTML Code>

As someone has an interest in <Category>, I’ve signed up to your site’s <newsletter/rss> and look forward to learning more about your business. Please let me know if the above provides you with the information you need to review and consider our new section for linking. I’m available Monday to Friday 9am-5pm EST, and can be contacted via telephone at my direct line (905) 420-1234 and also by my direct email <name@domain.com>.

Best wishes,

<Real Name>, <Client Name>

<Contact Details>