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Free Website Feedback (Australian, in Malmö)

Hello everybody,
my name is Phillip Dyhr Hobbs, and I presently live in Malmö Sweden however my family and I are moving further north to Umeå

I have had a look through your forum and I think it's really cool decided I would come in and see if i could help you guys out and maybe learn something from you

I write a lot on a website called amino.dk
I have lived in Denmark for almost 6 years, and my wife is Danish that gives me the opportunity to read Norwegian,

I really like to give people feedback on their websites, so if you ever need some feedback on your website or want to see how other people see it from an external point of view just let me know!

I have made over 70 Youtube videos giving people feedback on their websites and then been very happy for them.

I look forward to speaking with each and every one of you if we can chance, and I hope you have a wonderful week ahead

kindest regards,
Phillip Dyhr Hobbs


Well-Known Member
Velkommen til WF :)